I find solace in knowing I'm not alone, agreeing with all you said. I was raised as a pastor's daughter in an evangelical church, which I now reference as a cult. The exclusivity, judgmental doctrine, and abusive mindsets damaged my childhood. Hell is a fear based motivator to have a relationship with a higher power, and you finished this strong with the same idea. I was consumed with fear, and that is the opposite of a loving Higher Power. Like you said, as a parent I would never torture my child for their wrongdoing. I broke out of cultish beliefs when I became a parent and knew my heart is of love, to teach them, Never to torture them. Because I'm not a sick person. I don't believe in a God that is such a psychotic asshole that he would eternally burn someone, serving infinite torture. No thanks. As a survivor of dangerous religious indoctrination and also a survivor of domestic abuse by a mentally ill man, I discovered that these relationships are similar. They are ones of coercion instead of love. This does not mean I don't believe in God or a Higher Power, but I no longer suffer from the twisted view of God. I am free, I am free to connect, I am free to love. I am no longer the judgmental "better than you, and I'm not going to hell" Christian, a snob who estimates my worth compared to others. Fear and judgment can go to hell! In this revelation with you, we have opportunity to experience God. Because God is love. We cannot experience love when we are judging others or living fear-based beliefs. Thanks for sharing, I hope you can let comments from "christians" who are hateful instead of loving roll right off. People who are scared, say harsh things. Peace, Dan.